en de


Posted on Sun 06 March 2022 in blog

Hi there,

I have finally managed to set up a Blog again, since the last one went to the happy hunting ground due to a database error.
Admittedly, this has also been motivated by my desire to have a web presence directed towards the public that is better structured than my social media profiles. Besides blog posts, some further sites can be found here. For example, I am currently looking for a job and have collected some information about my skills and expertise on a page.


Regarding blog posts, there is not much to be found yet. I do intent though to use this space for current findings, tips & tricks, hot and luke-warm takes, or anything that needs a bit more space in the future. Generally my blog posts are going to be published either in English or in German, in special and important cases I might translate a post to both languages.
From my previous blog I have republished two articles from 2013, but these are only available in German.

Tech stack

This site is created using a static site generator. Originally I had intended to base my site on Hakyll and started to do so. After a full week though it turned out that Hakyll is an interesting piece of technology indeed, but in the end still a niche solution and furthermore rather a library for building static sites but not suitable as a ready-made solution. Let alone the generation of a multi-langual site – and there especially the linkig of equal posts in different language versions – was a rather complex procedure to be implemented manually.
Due to time restrictions I then decided to shelve the Hakyll approach for now and switched to Pelican, with which I achieved this satisfactory, although a little bit less flexible, site. Let’s see whether this changes in the future.

I hope to find you here again for my next posts.